The process for changing the DNS settings is different for .ie domains vs other domains.


For .ie Domains


  1. Go to your VMotion Client Portal and select Domains->Manage DNS.
  2. Find the entry that you are looking for and click on the Edit icon beside the domain heading.
  3. Make the changes as required on the "Edit Zone - <domain>" screens that appears and click on the Save Changes button.


For all other Domains:


  1. Go to your VMotion Client Portal and select Domains-.My Domains.
  2. Find the entry that you are looking for and click on the 3 dots on the far right of the screen.
  3. Select "Manage Domain". From here you can select the Nameservers or DNS Management to make the required respective changes as requested.
  4. For Nameservers, (inside Nameservers screen) make the changes as required and click on the Changes Nameservers button.
  5. For DNS Management, (inside DNS Management screen) make the changes as required and click on the Save Changes button
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