On the DirectAdmin homepage of the domain you want to create the subdomain under, you need to click on the "Subdomain Management" option under Domain Management;

You then need to enter the name of the subdomain you wish to create, and then click "Create" ;

You then need to return to the DirectAdmin homepage, where you need to click on the "Softaculous Auto Installer" option under Extra Features ;


You will then be brought to the Softaculous home screen, where you must click on the script category you wish to install, and then the script you want (i.e. blogs>open blog). This will bring you to the information screen of the script you want, and to install just click the install tab near the top left of the screen;

You will then be prompted to the details page where you choose your folder for the script etc. It is here you need to select your subdomain from the dropdown as highlighted below;
You can then perform a Quick Install or a custom one. You can also scroll down to change the defaults.

Finally, click the "Install" button and your script should install for you;

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